Reclaimed Landscapes
Development is taking from nature; the instant benefit will not make us richer in the long term.
To feel lucky and have a rich country, we need more trees and forests; we need to Keep nature instead of losing it.
For the collective good, social and emotional, we must consider the future and protect the environment.
This reality inspires my new artwork series, Reclaimed Landscapes, which pays attention to the landscape’s beauty and the need to restore and protect it, showing the beauty of nature to appreciate and value the natural environment versus the urbanized environment.
I make collages and wood assemblies with the pieces I pick up on the beach and others from different sources. I take advantage of the original colours of these woods, using them as a background colour, on which I work with incisions and scratches to highlight other tones.
In these works, I use plastic-free paint, and I reuse found materials and driftwood as support to contribute to restoring the landscape.